customize the archive pages but this does not seem to work i can see the pages in the edit layout section as per screen shot but clicking on the preview layout or save lay out nothing on the site updates or the page is not created..
Your screenshot layout3 is of the "old layout". Does that mean there is an existing Layout assigned to the inspiration archive which you have edited and are previewing the changes before saving them? Or there is an existing, assigned, Layout and you are making a new alternative one that you are trying to preview, but there is still the old Layout assigned to the archive?
I checked your site, saw the problem, suspected it was a theme compatibility issue and so switched to twentyseventeen, where the problem is resolved.
Looking in our internal tickets I see that the Jupiter theme uses a bespoke system for displaying WordPress archives, not the standard WordPress templating system, and our developer looked at that and concluded that there is nothing we can do on our side to get this to work.
We have some discussions with the theme authors ongoing, but essentially require some changes on their part before custom archives will work.
In the meantime it's just not possible with that theme, I'm afraid.
Well you would need to copy the archive.php file to your child theme.
If you only need to customise the inspiration archive then you can rename the file archive-inspiration.php.
You'll then need to edit that file and modify it.
I took a quick look, here is how it looks:
** archive.php
** mk_build_main_wrapper : builds the main divisions that contains the content. Located in framework/helpers/global.php
** mk_get_view gets the parts of the pages, modules and components. Function located in framework/helpers/global.php
mk_build_main_wrapper( mk_get_view('templates', 'wp-archive', true) );
All of the customisation happens with that mk_build_main_wrapper function, which you need to remove and replace with a standard archive loop.
Check the archive.php file for the standard themes (or the _s starter theme: hidden link) to get an idea of what is required.
Specifically, the Loop section should output the content of posts using the standard the_content() function.