In toolset help pages it says "Maps JavaScript API, Geocoding API, and Places API." How would i choose all 3?
Im trying to Display a List of Posts on A Map in WordPress
Or should i choose just one of those 3 options in Google?
Do these tell us anything? Apart from I got it wrong.
Hello and thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
You will need to activate all the 3 APIs in the Google platform dashboard. All of them are required to let you add and display address fields.
The Toolset option is saved correctly on your screenshot. Sometimes it takes few minutes, up to an hour before the configuration is updated by Google.
Make sure that you are not setting restrictions in the Google platform dashboard. If you do, exclude your domain name from the restriction.
Check the browser console for any errors. hidden link
Thanks Jamal,
Ive actioned that, will wait the suggested time to check.
I'll set this ticket as waiting for your feedback until you check again.
If you are still encountering any issues with the Maps configuration, please allow me temporary access to check it closely. Your next reply will be private to let you share credentials safely. ** Make a database backup before sharing credentials. **
Hi Jamal,
I don't want to take your time without good reason, as you have already been very helpful.
I think the property demo site covers one area I work with Film Locations. I thinks i can adapt it to suit my needs.
Later I can add Props, Crew, Actors etc. as main "post types" they will all have slightly different forms fields and taxonomies.
I will also need to add paid membership.
I still need to learn where i went wrong with API and maps. I added my API to a demo property site and it works fine.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!