Tell us what you are trying to do? -- I created a Resorts custom type, countries and location post type. then added their relationships and created a custom search using full custom display mode.. i tested it in fron end (page is Find resort) but always no results even though there is Resorts, Countries and Location pages..
Is there any documentation that you are following? -- the demo site - Real Estate
Is there a similar example that we can see? -- hidden link
What is the link to your site? --- hidden link
"No Items Found" generically means, the view works and queries some content but cannot find any results that match your query.
And hence it is in most cases the query in the view that is failing.
Usually by removing the Query arguments in the View will then produce results.
After one needs to carefully insert the Query arguments again as likely the first version was slightly misconfigured and could not find results (sometimes, it's also a BUG, then we can fix this as well)
From what I see there is some query that applies to the Query Filter (not visible as Front End Search) which blocks this, however, I cannot be sure without looking at this from the backend.
I activated a private reply so you could add login details for an admin on the site.
I will not perform changes - just look at the settings, and eventually use this to replicate such scenario locally.
Unless of course, you mention it is a staging site and changes can be made.
Please indicate any specific detail in case I need to pay attention to it in the site.
Thank you