Tell us what you are trying to do? We created a CRED form for content submission but for image fields the button that appears is the "Browse" button. We need to allow the user to access the MEDIA library so to have the opportunity to both upload a new image or using an existing one.
We can provide a link to the CRED form (but please allow us a hidden link).
Hi, several other users have requested this and our developers have agreed to implement the standard WP Media Uploader interface in a future version of CRED. Unfortunately I do not have a timeline available for that implementation yet, so I can't say when it will be available. At this time, Users are not able to select images directly from the Media Library to use in a CRED form. One alternative is to create a custom field that includes options for different existing images, so Users can select from several predefined image options. Let me know if you would like some assistance with this.
Thanks Christian for your kind reply on Sunday 🙂
but unfortunately we need to allow our customer to pick up images from the Media library. we saw in one of the support threads that a user found a solution with a bit of programming but we cannot contact that user because that action is not allowed in the support forum.
see this thread:
if someone can get in touch with the user @frodeH-2 it would be helpful to receive the solution they applied for that problem.
Hi, when you added a comment to that ticket an email notification was sent to the User frodeH-2 with the comment you submitted. I can see that several other Users have requested this information in the past, but it has not been offered as yet.