I find it hard to believe this has happened... but if I edit a CPT entry in admin the user who it was associated with is lost! So the user can then never access the CPT they created if it's ever edited in admin. This can't be allowed to happen and is such a fail.
The steps:
User registers
Creates CPT
On front end they then have access to edit their CPT.
In admin if CPT is edited the user no longer has ability to edit their CPT.
1. Are your posts from your frontend form set to Published or are they being created as draft and an admin goes through and publishes the posts? In this case the post will inherit the user who publishes the post.
2. You have the author option enabled in the CPT settings in Types which will cause the author option to be overwritten by the user who modifies the post.
It seems to have solved itself although that feels worse somehow.
1) No they go straight to published
2) No author was turned off in CPT setting.
Since then I created a few new member CPT posts and tried editing in admin. After about 4 attempts I realised that admin author was actually taking over ownership. I then turned on author in CPT setting to see who the author was and if it could be changed. The author field is blank with no option to select in single CPT view. This is how it remains.
Now randomly it seems to have fixed itself as I can now edit CPT in admin without it taking over ownership from the user who posted it even though author CPT setting is on?
Should I turn off author in CPT settings then? I found this actually quite helpful as it displays author when viewing in CPT archve in admin.