Tell us what you are trying to do?
Collect user emails for a newsletter. Don't want to require user to become a subscriber as it seems too heavy.
But - only want to bother user to subscribe if they haven't subscribed (keep state in cookie)
And - wish to show more content if user has subscribed, similar to user registering/logging in.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Google. Tried out a free plugin.
Is there a similar example that we can see?
I can't find, many of the plug-ins don't seem to have state, e.g., cookies. Wondering if you know of any?
What is the link to your site?
hidden link
Hi, Toolset isn't set up to manage and respond to cookies like this, so it would require a significant amount of custom JavaScript code to accomplish correctly. Toolset CRED is able to capture email addresses from a form, but it isn't designed to respond to User cookies. Toolset Access is able to show and hide content on your site, but it depends on WordPress User roles and login status. I'm afraid I don't know of any newsletter signup forms that fit this criteria.
A skilled developer may be able to assist with this project. We have a portal available where you can connect with contractors who have knowledge of Toolset:
Got you - so you've never heard of anyone doing this? To me it just seems like something that might already be done by some of the after market plug-ins in this area.
Some plugins do this, but it may be a somewhat cheesy solution...