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Advice for navigation structure
You can design a layout with two view's cell where left part holding categories link and right part will display associated products attached to specific category.
I need your advice how to setup the following site structure:
On the left side of the page there should be a list of Categories. If I click on one of the, all item of that category should appear in the middle of the page. If I click on an item, the details of this item should appear in the right side of the page.
Is it possible to set this up with toolset? Should/Can I load content with ajax or use iframe?
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
First of all - I would like to know how you want to create this page. Is left side where you want to add filter do you have left sidebar or you will use layout cells to design your layout.
Basically - you can build a post view filter by taxonomy where you can add [wpv-post-link] shortcode that will redirect you to the single post details page.
I have no limitation how to to it. Whould a sidebar be easier or use layout cells?
I think my main problem for understanding is, how to load the details of an item in the right div/column; I just want to display the conent; no the complete deails page with header/footer etc.
Well - Toolset Layouts, views or content template will have effect to your page's content area.
I've created the demo for you on our free test platform -
=> hidden link
I've designed layout with two view's cell where left part holding categories link and right part will display associated products attached to specific category.
Please try to register your account to and send me registered email ID so that I will invite you to check the wp-admin and how that page is created. Create a test site here and fill all required information and send me registered email:
Well - Could you please edit your view and follow the following steps:
=> Navigate to section "Custom Search Settings"
=> choose option "Let me choose individual settings manually"
=> further chose option "Always show all values for inputs" under section "Which options to display in the form inputs"
=> save settings and view