I am afraid this is still not available yet, Since there are quite a lot of changes in WordPress and with View has got a new dimension with block based plugin this has received lesser priority also there is some technical difficulty on rendering the CSS before the content as any style tags inside the document body would be considered as invalid, Since View loads inside the document body we are looking into other possibilities.
I feel like that workaround is going to be bad for performance though right?
By the way does this issue exist with block editor? I am going to start trying to use this more as I know you are actively developing this more.
With block editor:
1) does the issue exist when you modify display/style options in the block?
2) does the issue exist if you add custom CSS to the content template/archive? If it does, what is the workaround here? As the above workaround would not work as theres no way to add this in right?
I have done a quick test and i can confirm the issue does not happen with View Blocks custom CSS,
As the block custom CSS are rendered in the document head and they are available before the contents are loaded on the page.
So you should be good with the blocks .
I am attaching the screenshot examples of how the Custom Css added to the View block is rendered before the body tag which means the styles are already available by the time the blocks are rendered.
I am not sure how you are adding the custom css to the view block, Please refer to the screenshot , if you are doing something different let me know.
I think the archives blocks is no different that the view block in rendering the Custom CSS,
I did a quick test and i can see the custom CSS added to the archive block are rendered in the archives page head.
Can you please share a screenshot how the custom CSS is added to the archive block and where it is rendered in the page source, May be that will help me understand better.
Please see attached the screenshot showing where I added the custom CSS and a screenshot of the code, although you can't see where about it is really, its 100% not in the head, in fact it is in the footer. I was going to send the source code I seem to only be able to attached images.
I checked it on a view actually as I have one built with the block editor now and this was also in the footer after the view.
I have discussed the issue with the second tier also inspected the codes. You got it right, the block follow the same pattern for loading custom css as the views does, I have reported the issue and our developers has taken a note of it. The style in the head is injected by a script in the footer which is causing the confusion here. we are looking for alternative ways to deal with it without affecting the HTML validation
As of now I would suggest adding an HTML block as the first block with the CSS inside script tags so the CSS will be effective.