1. I have created a user role called Role A and assigned it to some users. I have then created a shortcode that only allows users with Role A to view like so...
[toolset_access role="Role A" operator="allow"]This content is only viewable to users assigned Role A[/toolset_access]
2. Next I created a user role called Role B and assigned it to some other users. I then created a short code that only allows users with Role B to view like so...
[toolset_access role="Role B" operator="allow"]This content is only viewable to users assigned Role B[/toolset_access]
My issue occurs because there is a small subset of my users that need to be able to view the content in both. In other words they need to be able to see content that is viewable to BOTH Role A and Role B. Because there is not currently a way that I can assign a user 2 roles. I need to find a way around this.
Is it possible to add specific users to the shortcode. Something like...
[toolset_access role="Role A" user id="99,98,66" operator="allow"]This content is only viewable to users assigned Role A plus 3 individuals who are subscribers[/toolset_access]
Which says only users assigned Role A plus these three users can view this content?
I have a post group called Business Intelligence. There are two pages assigned to this post group. The pages are called Dashboard A and Dashboard B (each page has an embedded dashboard with sensitive info that can ONLY be viewed by people with correct role who are also a member of the BI Post group)
I have a dashboard which has information that ONLY role A can see embedded in a page. Ive restricted the access using Access shortcode as shown in previous ticket
I have another Dashboard which only Role B can see embedded in a different page. Ive restricted the access using Access shortcode as shown in previous ticket. I then have the business intelligence team (a team of 5) who need to be able to see BOTH Dashboards.