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I am watching the tutorial on Views and when a Page is added the Toolset Blocks are available. When I do it that isn't showing - but rather the standard WordPress fields are all I see. I'm sure this is an easy thing to change but I'm just getting into Toolset and WordPress - from Drupal.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
I suspect this issue is being caused by a plugin that disables the gutenburg editor for wordpress. The Toolset Blocks will only work when you're using the gutenburg editor.
My advice is to check if you have the Classic editor plugin installed. If so then I would recommend disabling it.
I don't see any other plugin for editors. However when I disabled the ToolSet Types Plugin the Block Editor showed up. When I activated it - I see in the first column - Post Type - I can choose the editor. That appears to be what was needed. All for now. Thanks - Neil