Hello. My theme outputs the most popular posts via a widget in the sidebar.
I have created WP archive pages (full width) and wanted to display the most popular articles at the bottom of the page, after the main content.
However, I'm having issues with this, I can't seem to find any shortcode or views that outputs the most popular posts.
How can I do this?
Widgets usually cannot be output with a ShortCode which is what you need to display it in a WordPress Archive created with Toolset, or in any other instance of WordPress when you use HTML and ShortCodes.
The Widget will usually be handled by the Theme, not Toolset, which focuses on the content.
You could try to create a custom shortcode that gets that widget so to display it everywhere you want:
hidden link
Or, you could use Toolset Layouts, and add a Widget Cell.
The same Layout then should as well hold the Archive Cell with your WordPress Archive View you're created.
The Layout is then assigned to the archive in question, and display your custom Archive and the widget where you placed them.