You can submit the form, but not add infinitely new RFG's (Repeatable Field Groups) with the same form on the same page without first submitting it for each new RFG.
If possible, upvote that request and share it with other people you might know to need this feature, that will help to push it.
I also know of a few "silent" voters and will make an upvote to the request myself in the backend adding a few votes in bulk.
Thanks Beda
Not surprising that nobody has "upvoted", Toolset various support pages make it very difficult to even know about (let alone find) a list of suggested features. As a matter of fact after reading your reply, I have not been able to find such a list or reference to the fact that I can vote on issues.
The lack of the frontend RPG functionality means that I will likely cancel my paid account with Toolset but thanks for your help. I find it interesting how much documentation and "sample cases" Toolset has, especially the case of having a CPT of "house" and then "adding rooms". When I saw that, I thought that Toolset was exactly what I wanted but now see that that is all for "backend only". Very disappointed.
Hi again,
Are you able to suggest to me how I would configure my form such that after submitting a rpg (room in my case), that a new submission form or instance thereof would be generated. This new rendering would have to give the user the ability to "Add another room" or "No more rooms to add" and then on to the next page (such as a thank you or payment page).
Thanks again
Unfortunately not infinitely. This is because the setting on our backend allows you to submit a form then redirect you to that said form again and again.
This is a fixed setting and won't redirect to a Thank you page unless this is changed in the form settings.