Since yesterday I try to create new custom role with "Access" plugin. I know how it works and I have never had a problem before. But here, the button "Add a new role" does not work.
I tried other buttons on other tabs of the plugin and it's the same problem.
I tried several browsers, others themes, and desactivate plugin "Slider Revolution". I do not know what to do. Could you help me please?
the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Broobe_SA_Plugin_Admin has a deprecated constructor in /homepages/5/d256367803/htdocs/sombre-flamme/wp-content/plugins/social-articles/includes/admin/social-articles-tools.php on line 8
Notice: WP_Admin_Bar::add_node est appelée de la mauvaise manière. L'identifiant du menu ne devrait pas être vide. Veuillez lire Débugger dans WordPress (en) pour plus d'informations. (Ce message a été ajouté à la version 3.3.0.) in /homepages/5/d256367803/htdocs/sombre-flamme/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4139
I tried to access the website, however i'm noticing some errors on the login page and i'm not able to log in.
Could you let me know when i can check on the site through the backend because I've checked our Access plugin with Buddypress and it works fine with no issue at all.