Tell us what you are trying to do?
I'm creating a layout using Toolset and it contains a view.
I'm using a theme with Bootstrap 4.3.1
I'm using my own HTML to create my loops and layouts.
The CSS in this file - /wp-content/plugins/layouts/resources/css/ddl-front-end.css?ver=2.5.2 - isn't needed and is conflicting with my theme CSS. I have columns gutters set to 10px and the Toolset CSS is 15px. The Toolset markup also adds a .row where it's not needed so it's creating an additional negative margin. Is there a way to prevent any Bootstrap markup from getting generated? If needed, I can always use SCSS extends to extend my CSS to elements where needed.
Is there a way to disable the Toolset CSS, or am I going to have to manually delete the CSS in the file?
It would also be nice if there was less code generated in general.
I understand a lot of stuff is in there for Ajax Pagination etc., but if it's not needed is the following really necessary?
data-pagination='{"id":"63","base_permalink":"/?wpv_view_count=63-TCPID48&wpv_paged=WPV_PAGE_NUM","query":"normal","type":"disabled","effect":"fade","duration":500,"speed":5,"pause_on_hover":"disabled","stop_rollover":"false","cache_pages":"enabled","preload_images":"enabled","preload_pages":"enabled","preload_reach":1,"spinner":"builtin","spinner_image":"hidden link","callback_next":"","manage_history":"enabled","has_controls_in_form":"disabled","infinite_tolerance":"0","max_pages":0,"page":1,"loop":{"type":"","name":"","data":[],"id":0}}'
Is there an option so code like the above isn't generated?
Is there any documentation that you are following?
I tried adding the recommended code in this support article to my functions.php file, but it didn't do anything
Is there a similar example that we can see?
What is the link to your site?
Local dev..can't see