I made a custom post type named "leiligheter" which i am displaying using a custom view. But leilighet 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 lost their layout template just without any reason. we did not notice it until now so we have no idea when it happened. We have a similar problem with products on my other website botton.no https://toolset.com/forums/topic/products-stop-displaying-after-editing-size/
I have attached images you hopefully will understand!
From your debug info you appear to be using an older version of Layouts.
There were circumstances where the Layout assignment for posts could be lost, but these have been identified and fixed, and it should not occur when using the current version, 2.2.
If you update to Layouts 2.2 I would not expect you to experience the same issue again, but if you do please let me know.
Thank you for your answer. I am not sure an update is the solution. The same thing happened on my page botton.no as i linked you in my first message and botton plugins was recently all updated. We noticed the issue on both of the sites on the same day but can't really tell exactly when or why it has happened. I really would like to find out. But if there is not much more we can do from here other then update i understand.
The only known-issues where Layout assignments were being lost were fixed in Layouts 2.2.
I would need some more details about specific steps that trigger the loss of that assignment to be able to try and reproduce them and pass that information on to our developers.
If you notice it happen again please note down whatever you were just doing that might have triggered it (e.g. updating a post) and then contact us again.
I'm sorry I don't have anything more specific to offer you right now.