Tell us what you are trying to do? Load new License after adding URL to Account and deleting old URL. Types are correct version and I check link to your site and get the error
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Is there a similar example that we can see?
What is the link to your site?hidden link
Hi, are you seeing an error when you create a new site key at, or are you seeing an error when you try to register the plugins in wp-admin? Can you take a screenshot so I can see the error in the browser? Are you visiting directly?
When I am trying to get to your server. Part of the check list on your web site.
If you visit in your browser, you will see this message:
:1:{s:5:"error";s:49:"Unknown or Unsupported API Call: repository_error";}
That is expected, it does not indicate a problem.
My site's plugin cannot connect to your servers?
I don't think we understand each other. Are you seeing the problem in wp-admin when you try to register your software, or when you navigate to in the browser? Can you attach a screenshot of the problem so I can see the full screen where the error is displayed?
I need to update site key on hidden link staging site.
I need to update site key on hidden link staging site.
Perhaps it would be best if I attempt to register the software. Please provide wp-admin login credentials in the private fields here, and paste your site key in the reply.
I will log in to wp-admin and try to register with the site key you provide for me. I will take a screen recording so you can see the process clearly. OK?
Everything looks good. I was able to register with the site key as expected, no errors are shown. You can see the screen recording here:
hidden link
Would you like for me to update the Blocks and Views plugins while I'm in wp-admin?