With the Views plugin you can create different Views elements to display all your custom types and content on the front-end, without coding. You can also create powerful parametric searches and add pagination to your content lists.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the options of your View.
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The issue here is that the user wanted to know the difference between Layouts and Views.
Usually we recommend using the layouts plugin if you want to customize the entire page itself including the content. With Layouts your able to add the different cells anywhere you want and even adding a sidebar to a page where there isn't one.
When adding a view to the layout you will use the Layout cell, however adding the shortcode to a visual editor cell also works but your wouldn't be able t edit the view directly from the layout.
Problem: I would like to understand more about the caching mechanism in slider Views.
Solution: In a slider View, caching pages stores the contents of each page in memory while the User remains on the current page. Pages are delivered one by one so one page of results requires one AJAX call, two pages require two AJAX calls, and so on. Caching does not store the contents of each page in memory across page loads or refreshes. When you choose to preload next and previous pages, an individual AJAX request is triggered for each of those pages when the slider initially loads. If multiple AJAX requests are causing the initial load time to be unreasonable, I would consider turning off the Preload next and previous pages option, and/or the caching option. This will cut the number of AJAX requests that must be completed before the first page can transition to the next page, speeding things up at first. However it may also slow things down during transitions between pages later, so it's a bit of a trade-off.
Problem: I have a custom post type called Companies with a repeating field group (RFG) called Company Locations. One of the fields in that RFG is an address field. On the Companies WordPress Archive page, I would like to show a Map with Markers for of all the Company Location posts. I would like to filter the Companies archive by a field in the RFG, and I would like to show a custom field from the parent Company in the marker popup.
Solution: It's not currently possible to filter a View of a CPT by fields on its RFGs.
To access custom fields from the Company post in a View of the RFG, use the item attribute in the shortcode with the syntax "@relationship-slug.parent".
Problem: I am using a 3rd-party gallery tool to create image galleries. The shortcode to insert a gallery will accept an attribute "ids", which can be used to pass a list of post IDs into the gallery. If I try to insert a View shortcode as the value of the ids attribute, it does not work.
gallery with view-ids: [gallery ids="[wpv-view name='gal-nezet-proba']"]
Solution: Remove all the extra spaces from the Loop Editor so everything between the wpv-loop tags is on one continuous line. Then add this PHP code to functions.php:
To process the field value to subtract one value from another, you need to add custom shortcode shared with proposed solution to your current theme's functions.php file.
Need one view and multiple pages with the filtered view
You should filter your view using taxonomy filter and set your taxonomy filter to filter by shortcode attribute.
For example:
[wpv-view name="your-view" cityslug="london"]
- when you add taxonomy filter select to filter by shortcode attribute and use shortcode attribute name cityslug . You can define the shortcode attribute name as per your need.