CRED plugin allows you to create forms to register users from your website's front-end. You can also enable the option to charge payments for user registration, creating membership sites that sell subscription to your visitors.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the settings of your user form.
Viewing 15 topics - 121 through 135 (of 181 total)
Problem: I'm trying to use Layouts, WPBakery Page Builder, and the Newspaper theme together but I'm not able to get my page templates to appear as expected.
Solution: Toolset Layouts and WPBakery should not be used together, so it's best to deactivate the Layouts plugin. The Newspaper theme doesn't work out-of-the-box with Content Templates, but you can follow the steps in our Theme Support for Content Templates document to help fix that problem.
Add this function name in Toolset > Settings > Frontend Content > Theme support for Content Templates:
1) Two post types: "Places list" and "Event", with one-to-many relationship
2) A relationship form for connecting "Places list" and "Event" posts
3) In a single "Event" post, display a post view: query the "Event" posts, in the loop, display the relationship form of above 2)
1 - The loading time of the "Search for a post" select is quite slow.
2 - The list of places are not filtered by "My places" instead I see all the "places" created by everybody.
3 - I see in the list events that are already linked to "My Place"
Since you are display multiple relationship forms in the same page, that might conduct the performance problem in some website with large data or running lots of plugins, see the solution in details here: