Layouts plugin allows you to design and customize the front-end display of your website. You can design entire pages, including header, footer, menus, content and all other elements.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the design that you want to achieve and the layouts that you have created so far.
The user would like to integrate venngage graphics inside Toolset Layouts using the embed code that venngage offers.
An editor cell in Toolset Layouts won't save any tags.
There are many ways to add a script tag. As a workaround, you can either:
Add a content template cell and with the content template cell, you will find the JS editor box where you can add the script tag.
Add the script using a custom shortcode, and use the shortcode inside the layout. Check this documentation
Add the script to a widget in Appearance->Widgets, and then use a widget cell on your layout. Check this article
Problem: I use an image cell in Layouts to display an image, but the alignment classes no longer seem to be working correctly.
Solution: Our developers are aware of the issue and we hope to address this in a future update of Layouts. At this time the priority is Blocks development, so a workaround would be to choose a standard image size instead of a custom image size.