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Inserting Toolset Shortcodes into Page Builder Designs in WordPress

The Toolset shortcodes menu lets you insert Toolset elements into page builders.

Some themes have page builders that allow you to build a site “visually” (without dealing with the underlying HTML). When you use themes that have page builders and Toolset, you often need to display Toolset elements as blocks, inside the page-builder design. For example, you could display a View or a Toolset form. You probably know that Toolset elements display using shortcodes. The Toolset shortcodes menu makes it easy for you to create the right shortcodes for all Toolset elements and add them to the page builder designs. The following image shows the insertion of a shortcode to display the post’s author in Avada theme’s page builder.

Inserting a generated Toolset shortcode into Avada theme’s page builder: text block element
Inserting a generated Toolset shortcode into Avada theme’s page builder: text block element

Enabling The Toolset Shortcodes Menu

To enable the Toolset shortcodes menu, go to the ToolsetSettings page. Shortcode menu options are found in the Admin bar options section at the top of the page. There, you can select whether to display the menu on all administrator pages or only when you are editing some content, for example writing posts.

Toolset shortcodes menu options on the Toolset Settings page
Toolset shortcodes menu options on the Toolset Settings page

Generating Toolset Shortcodes

When enabled, the Toolset shortcodes menu will be displayed in the WordPress toolbar at the top of the administration screen. Using the Toolset shortcodes menu is the same as using the dedicated buttons found on the top of the post editor and on top of the page editor. This includes the Fields and ViewsForms and Access buttons.

Toolset shortcodes menu in the WordPress toolbar
Toolset shortcodes menu in the WordPress toolbar

Clicking on one of the links in this menu will open a dialog box. This dialog box is the same as the one that appears when using the dedicated buttons on the editing pages.

Fields and Views dialog box opened from the Toolset shortcodes menu
Fields and Views dialog box opened from the Toolset shortcodes menu

Click on the element for which you wish to create a shortcode. You will be presented with a new dialog box where you can select all the options and arguments for the shortcode you are inserting.

Options for creating the “Post title with a link” shortcode
Options for creating the “Post title with a link” shortcode

Click on the Create shortcode button when you have finished editing the options. You will see the final dialog box containing the shortcode with the options that you inputted.

Dialog box with the generated shortcode
Dialog box with the generated shortcode

That is all! You can now copy the generated shortcode and use it in any content type that you need.

November 16, 2020