December 12, 2019

Taxonomy term is an item inside a taxonomy, like a sub-category. You can assign multiple terms to the same post. Adding terms to posts makes it easier to organize content.

A single post can also have terms coming from different taxonomies. In our example, you can see a post that has two taxonomies. From the first one, Levels of difficulty, we used the terms Basic and Intermediate. From the second one, Kinds of food, we use only the term Soup, but we can add more if needed.

A post with two taxonomies
A post with two taxonomies

On the front-end, you can display terms that a post uses. Each term has a unique URL.

Taxonomy term
Taxonomy term

Clicking on one of these terms will take users to an archive page that lists all posts that use that term.

An archive page for the taxonomy term
An archive page for the taxonomy term