I was wondering if someone could help me with the following:
I would like to have specific "Headers", actually different "Slider Revolutions" for different custom post types & taxonomies in the Archive Layout.
So for example, hidden link would have a slider relating to National Teams and hidden link a slider with different images ...
I tried https://wordpress.org/plugins/conditional-tags-shortcode/ with no success.
Is this something Toolset's Conditional Output can help me with ?
Any help would be much appreciated..
Thank you,
Thank you for contacting Toolset Support. I am happy to help you with this.
Yes, this is possible using custom functions and WordPress native functions. I can give you an example but I have a question:
hidden link
In the above example "team" is the custom post type, correct? Would national-teams be a category, tag, etc?
Thank so much Tia,
I guess my custom post type is actually "Past Tours", "Team" would be a Category, and "National Teams" a term of that Category. Not sure why "Past-Tour/" doesn't appear before "Team" ...
Please take a look at the screenshots ..
Let me know if this is confusing and I'll try my best to make thing clearer.
Thanks so Much,
Thank you, Justin. Let me test a few things out and I will respond as soon as possible with feedback.
I did further testing. This code can be used anywhere that shortcodes can be used: as a content template, visual editor, etc.
1. Go to Toolset > Settings > Functions inside conditional evaluations
2. Add:
3. Where you need this to appear the conditional will look like this:
[wpv-conditional if="( is_tax('the-author','doctor-who') )"] Hello. I am Doctor Who. [/wpv-conditional]
Following this example, it should look something like this:
hidden link
[wpv-conditional if="( is_tax( 'team' , 'national-teams' ) )"][shortcode_here][/wpv-conditional]
Please let me know if this resolves your question or if it needs more investigation.
It works beautifully ! thanks so much. Works with every category and even with shortcode .. wonderful!