I currently have 3 separate views which I want to order by date regardless of the view each item is in.
So on the page, let says I have:
[wpv-view name="view1"]
[wpv-view name="view2"]
[wpv-view name="view3"]
I've had to split these into 3 separate views as opposed to having each option in one view and isolated by category, due to the individual customisation needed for the featured image for each category.
I've attempted to put each view into a parent view, which didn't function as needed. Any assistance provided on this would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.
Hi, I'm not quite sure I understand what you would like to accomplish. Can you provide an overview of the desired result, vs. the output of each View (include the dates) as you see it now? For example:
View 1 current output -
- Post 1, June 1 2017
- Post 2, June 30 2017
- Post 3, July 1 2017
View 2 current output -
- Post 4, June 10 2017
- Post 5, June 12 2017
View 3 current output -
- Post 6, March 1 2017
Desired result -
Any detail would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Christian, thanks for your message.
From your outline the desired result would be that the post displays in date order regardless of the view it's in, so:
- Post 6, March 1 2017 (View 3)
- Post 1, June 1 2017 (View 1)
- Post 4, June 10 2017 (View 2)
- Post 5, June 12 2017 (View 2)
- Post 2, June 30 2017 (View 1)
- Post 3, July 1 2017 (View 1)
As you can see the posts have been set-out in date order. How would we go about doing this?
Many thanks.
There's no good way to split output from multiple single Views apart and reorganize it with the output split apart from other Views. This would be ridiculously difficult to manage as the complexity and length of a View increases above a few rows. You should use a single View to sort the full result set by date. You mentioned that you thought it was not possible to use just one View - can you explain in more detail why one View won't work? I might be able to give you some advice on solving that problem effectively.
Duly noted. The reason we couldn't use a single view was due to the fact that we needed to have a custom thumbnail icon overlaid on the featured image per category. We couldn't see an easy or effective way to implement this without using multiple views with an assigned category.
Oh, we can definitely help you fix that up. Feel free to open another ticket if you need assistance.
No problem, will open another ticket and will refer to this one.