I am trying to create a custom archive layout for my custom taxonomies
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see: Just the custom layout I created
Instead, I got: The custom layout I created above the theme's archive layout
I think your Theme is not integrated and you used Layouts.
Layouts replaces the content.
Hence, the Archive now shows double.
Can you try to disable Toolset Layouts, and apply the WordPress Archive?
This should work.
If not, can you send me a copy of the theme?
I activated a private reply for that.
But if I disable the layouts, won't I be stuck with my theme's archive layout? I just want the one that I created.
No, because you can style it with WordPress Archives menu under Toolset > WordPress Archives.
You can then apply what you create there to your archive.
That should solve the problem.
Can you confirm this?
I disabled the archive layout and just used the wordpress archives in toolset, but still have the same issue. I'm using BeTheme
You can log in to it if you want and take a look. Maybe I'm missing something.
<removed by admin>
I currently have the original archive data hidden with css by just doing a display: non on .post-item { I would like to avoid having to hide it, though.
It seems this theme has a lot of customized templates for archives and more.
I need to debug this locally. The theme is a proprietary one. Can you share the ZIP of the original, freshly downloaded Theme?
I can then either spot the BUG in no time or provide you the exact steps to solve the issue you are facing.
Thank you for the collaboration and patience.
Well, this theme has no archive.php, hence it falls back to the index.php according the WordPress hierarchy, and in there, the Theme clearly adds his own loop.
What happens on archives now is that Toolset Views properly puts it's loop on top of the page, and after the Toolset Output the Theme renders it's posts as well.
See content-post.php around line 37, where the HTML class for those posts is defined.
This template is used to render the posts on your archives, and since the Theme has no archive it uses index.php.
In the index, several custom functions are used to render the things, this is not something I can debug.
What I suggest is create a Child Theme, add an archive.php file to it and use just a very minimal code, please consult the Theme Twenty Seventeen for a good example.
This will then work properly.
This theme uses customized Loop and Content functions, and Toolset Layouts cannot accept anything else but standard WordPress loops.
Toolset Views accepts custom functions for the content, but on the archive we do not replace a content per se, we replace a whole loop.
The only solution here is to use a Child theme with a correctly coded archive template.
I will list this theme so we can also look into this (we have a compatibly team).
But we cannot solve this, it will either require some cooperation with the Theme Developers or eventually we can find some workaround.
Thank you for reporting it.