I'm using Advanced Custom Fields on my site. Using Toolset, I've created a view with a custom search filter using the field I created in ACF.
The field is a checkbox with multiple options. The display of this field/filter on the view page is a select dropdown.
When viewing the front-end the select/dropdown field returns:
However, the option should simply be: one
When I inspect the element I can clearly see that there's an issue with the double quotes being used but I'm unsure where I need to make this fix. Regardless, I'm not that confident in my own knowledge PHP.
<option value="a:1:{i:0;s:3:" one";}"="">a:1:{i:0;s:3:"one";}</option>
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Well, such complex fields are a little "nightmare" in compatibility.
Each plugin usually uses custom Structures to store the data.
As such we can display and use only simple 3rd party Fields in the Toolset.
We provide Types to give a full palette of Fields to overcome that.
You will in most cases not be able to control, display or manipulate 3rd Party Complex Fields like WYSIWYG or Checkboxes or similar, using Toolset native GUI methods.
This is not a problem of Toolset per se, it's a generic problem in those cases.
Now, I want to test that and see what we could do to solve it.
Could you elaborate what I need to do with ACF, so to produce the mentioned Field Structure?
Then I can deploy something similar locally and see if I receive the same output.
According to that, I might come up with a custom Solution, or could at least give more details so you could craft a Custom Solution.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Thanks for the interest in helping. To recreate the scenario you would have to:
- In Advanced Custom Fields create a new field group. Make sure the field group is assigned to a post type (such as posts or pages) so it will show up while editing a post/page.
- in that field group create a checkbox
- Add a couple values.
- Assign the field group to a post
- Create a view
- Add a search filter using the custom field you created in step one.
- Create a new page so you can display your new view.
- Make sure there are a couple test posts/pages utilizing the values you've entered into the custom field.
I wouldn't have a need to use Advanced Custom Fields if the method for adding new fields to the custom fields in Toolset was more flexible.
I have fields that have MANY options. Unfortunately, it appears I'd have to enter in each value one by one if using the toolset custom fields.
Perhaps I'm missing something and there's a better way?
You seem to have clicked on "my issue is resolved" here, and I do not monitor solved tickets regularly.
Do you still need assistance here?