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WordPress 6.5 update breaks editor with some blocks using Dynamic Sources


Topic Tags: Toolset Blocks


It is possible to use Toolset Dynamic Sources with core blocks.

If you use a core Image block in a template or the output of a View and use Dynamic Sources to determine which image source, updating to WordPress 6.5 will break the editor.

The screen will show a white page and it will not be possible to edit the template or the page containing the View.


The first workaround is to avoid updating to WordPress 6.5. If you have already updated, you can use a plugin such as WP Downgrade to revert to WordPress 6.4.3, until such time as we have a fix.

The fix will be published imminently, in Blocks 1.6.15 (or Views 3.6.15).

If you do not want to wait you can download copies from the links below:

Toolset Blocks


13 thought on WordPress 6.5 update breaks editor with some blocks using Dynamic Sources

  • If downgrading is not an option, and we need to edit other content on a page outside of a Toolset Block while we wait for a fix, is it safe to simply disable the Toolset Blocks plugin just so the page Editor will successfully load, make the updates to the unrelated content, save, and then re-enable Toolset Blocks?

    • The block editor is quite brittle and can easily be broken. The only way to know for sure if it will work is to try it and see—which means taking a backup immediately before you do so in case something goes wrong and you can revert. (Or test on your staging server rather than on the production site.)

  • Is there a timeline for an update to address this issue? We can revert to 6.4.3 but since the database structure has changed, it is a bit trickier. Thanks!

    • It’s the main focus of the developers right now, so I’m hopeful it won’t be too much longer. We’ll make the fix available as soon as it is confirmed and tested.

      • Can you provide an updated timeline for this, please? I don’t have an option to downgrade, so I cannot make any modifications for about a month now

        • Please see the updated workaround, which includes links to pre-release versions of the updated plugins.

          • Thank you Nigel. I want to let you know that I tried the alpha release and I still see the same problems. If there’s a better way to send this feedback apart from writing here, please let me know.

            • That’s disappointing. I tried it on my local test site where the pre-release did fix the problems.

              If it’s not working on your site, I would suggest first that you try a hard reload to clear the browser cache to check again. If that doesn’t help, could you please open a new support thread so that we can get credentials for your site to test?

    • Could you please open a support thread so that we can credentials to check your site, to see if we can identify what is particular about it that the developers may have overlooked.

  • The plugin updates with the fix will be released shortly. If you don’t want to wait you can download the updates from the links above.

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