When editing posts with the Divi builder, the following JS errors may appear in the console if Types and Blocks are active on the site:
Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method ‘option’
Uncaught ReferenceError: QTags is not defined
Additionally, if the post being edited has a Toolset Content Template assigned, then the Divi Builder fails to load at all.
Because of the difficulties of keeping up with Divi development the official advice has been to not mix Toolset and Divi on the same pages (with the exception of using the widget to insert a View into a Divi design).
Now we have a situation where editing posts with Divi (with no Toolset content or involvement) produces JS errors in the console. In testing, these errors do not appear to affect the Divi builder, and it should be possible to simply ignore the errors.
Being unable to edit posts with Divi if a Toolset Content Template is assigned to the post falls foul of the advice not to mix Divi and Toolset, and even if it is something that used to work, we have other priorities and there are currently no resources assigned to work on this issue.
The only workaround for the time being would be to either temporarily disable Toolset Blocks while editing such posts, or to remove the Content Template assignment while editing the post, and re-assign the template once editing is complete.
I had a similar issue, and then found these settings in “Toolset -> Settings -> General”:
After adjusting those, it worked for me.
But before that, I was getting this error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: ET_Builder is not defined
The specific “error” was not mentioned in this post, so perhaps this is different, but check those settings, because that WILL effect it even if this is a different error.
It’s confusing, because when I went to edit the content template there was a button allowing me to choose to use DIVI as my editor – so one would think that clicking the button would be all you had to do – but no, you need to also check some General Settings in Toolset.