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“Don’t include the current page in the query result” setting broken in Views/Blocks


Resolved in: Blocks 1.3.5/Views 3.3.5


In Blocks 1.3.4/Views 3.3.4 the setting “Don’t include the current page in the query result” no longer works, neither with the Views block nor with legacy Views.

The latest updates of Views included some query performance enhancements that inadvertently broke this setting.


The fix for this has now been released. Use the Check for Updates button in the installer page if necessary to see the update notice, or download the latest versions from

2 thought on "Don't include the current page in the query result" setting broken in Views/Blocks

  • This fix does not work! The current page post AND post excerpt is still showing up even after the option to not show has been selected.

    • I just tested this myself now with the updated versions and it works as expected on my own site. As an example of what is expected, say you have a post type “Items” and you make a template to show Item posts. You want to include a list of other Items, which you make using a View block. A View to show Items might include the single Item you are currently viewing, so the setting is intended to exclude that current post from the results of the View.

      If that is how you are trying to use it and you are getting unexpected results, then please open a support thread in the forum and someone will be able to help you.

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