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Avada theme settings not working in Toolset templates

Won't fix


With the Avada theme when you create a template for some post type using Toolset (a Content Template or a Template Layout) you are able to override the theme options for posts displayed with that template (e.g. Full width layout, disable featured image etc.).

A recent Avada update broke this integration and the theme options are not currently working.


The template theme options work by overriding the options on individual posts as they are saved. You can manually set the preferred options on each post as they are published.

18 thought on Avada theme settings not working in Toolset templates

  • Is there any update on this? This has been open for a while. Very annoying having to fix this on every individual post. Please let us know if we can support in terms of testing!

  • Sorry, it is still with the developers. They were initially waiting on a planned Avada release (so they don’t have to fix something twice), which is now available, and commented on the internal ticket that they will get to it before too long.

  • Has this been fixed yet?
    Seems I can no longer select the “Template Layout” dropdown menu on the editing page.
    Having to duplicate a previous post for it to be the correct layout.

    • Sorry, I checked the internal ticket and don’t have any updates for you. I’ve commented there to remind the developers we have clients waiting on this.

      • Just so you know, the update from Views to Views 3.3 is failing and showing as forbidden on update from the Commercial > Toolset Updates screen. Seems Toolset isn’t happy these days.

  • Could you please fix this? I have to manually write CSS just for something simple like removing the Featured Image from a CPT.

    • I’ve nudged the developers again about the issue, but I’m not sure when they will allocate time to fix the integration amongst their development work.

  • When I activate Toolset with Avada Theme my Toggle/Accordian elements don’t work properly. Anyone know a fix for this? Any word on the developer fixing these issues. Thank you.

    • I see you have submitted a support thread about the issue and we’ll handle it there. It’s a separate problem to the theme integration being broken by an Avada update.

    • I believe it’s an issue with the bootstrap compatibility in Toolset > Settings. If I recall correctly, forcing Toolset to load it fixed the issue – at least one of the options did! The Avada issue, for reference, is still there today.

  • Any updates on this already? We now have to set the Avada settings on every individual post, which is very annoying. Would appreciate an update on this.

    • I’m sorry, I don’t have an update for you, there isn’t any progress on the internal ticket.

      The developer focus is very much on Blocks and—being honest—I’m not sure when the resources to restore this feature to Avada will be made available.

  • Hello, I also encountered this problem today. It would be really useful to be able to customize the Avada theme options in the toolset templates. Changing them manually via post is not possible for me. There are >1000 posts…
    I think for a commercial plugin, we customers can expect that features that used to be available without problems will continue to be maintained. And here we are talking about a basic functionality. So please take a look at the problem. Avada is a widely used theme. Many users will have this problem…

  • Any news on this?
    Please, do consider fixing this issue. I’ve encountered it too and it’s really annoying. The workaround is working but kind of nullifies the whole dynamic approach.

  • Today is year 2023, is there any update to the issue of Avada layout and Toolset Content Template, content template is not a kind of custom post or page, there is no option for me to assign the content to specific Avada layout, is there any temporary solution I can do?

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