- Improved the delete link shortcode action when dealing with repeatable field grpups: they should get deleted, never trashed.
- Improved the mechanism to create new repeatable field groups, by ensuring they get a proper “toolset-post-sortorder” field.
- Improved the mechanism to create new repeatable field groups by making the related post selector mandatory.
- Fixed notifications set to be sent only when a field changes its value.
- Fixed the colorpicker fields on forms rendered after an AJAX event, like after an AJAX form submission or inside a Views AJAX pagination.
- Fixed the datepicker fields on forms rendered after an AJAX event, like after an AJAX form submission or inside a Views AJAX pagination.
- Fixed the taxonomies fields on forms rendered after an AJAX event, like after an AJAX form submission or inside a Views AJAX pagination.
- Fixed the conditional fields on forms rendered after an AJAX event, like after an AJAX form submission or inside a Views AJAX pagination.
- Fixed the usage of URL parameters to feed relationship fields when those fields have some author restriction.
- Fixed the language used on post expiration notifications to match the language of the expiring post.
- Fixed a PHP warning when adding custom validation for a form containing a repeating image field.
- Fixed a problem when submitting a form with a field that matches one WordPress reserved word or the slug of an existing post type or taxonomy.
- Fixed a problem when deleting a form would not delete the translation items it generates.
- Fixed a problem that prevented parts of the admin pages from being listed under the Toolset menu in some cases.
- Fixed a problem with some form elements not being available on forms edited in expert mode.
- Fixed some console errors when editing relationship forms on WordPress 5.7 and above.