Total Local Online Marketing

Toolset Contractor

Total Local Online Marketing

We recently rebuilt our agency website entirely around Toolset Types and Blocks.

We'd originally built it using Elementor but when we saw the capabilities of Blocks, we decided that that was the direction we wanted to move in.

Toolset Blocks on the homepage as well as on a number of other custom post types:

  • Affiliate Products (custom WooCommerce single product pages)
  • Clicks Magazine (custom WooCommerce single product pages)
  • Single Blog Posts
  • Single Services Posts
  • Landing Page Single Posts

We've also used Toolset Blocks on WordPress archive pages:

  • Landing Pages
  • Affiliate Products and Clicks Magazine (custom WooCommerce archive pages)
  • Services
  • Blog, Author, Year, Month, Davy, Category and Tag Archives

We've made the switch for client sites as well, as, going forward, we're building all client sites using Toolset Types and Blocks (and other components where necessary) since we use custom post types and custom fields extensively.
