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Front-End Forms for Connecting Related Posts en WordPress

Toolset allows you to create front-end forms for connecting between posts. You can create forms that will connect between posts that have a "relationship".

When you need forms from connecting between posts

When your site uses Toolset’s Post Relationship, you can connect between posts. For example, an «events» site may have posts for «events» and «speakers». These two types will be in a many-to-many relationship.

Toolset Forms allows you to create forms for creating and edit content. You can also create forms that will set-up and change post connections. For example, you can create a form that will allow to add speakers to an event.

This way, you can design a complete front-end editing interface, using Toolset Forms. Your interface will include forms for creating «events», «speakers» and the connection between them.

Steps for creating a relationship form

Go to Toolset → Relationship Forms and click the Add New button. A wizard guides you through the form set up.

This includes naming the form, selecting the relationship and what page users go to after submitting the form.

In the final step, you can insert additional form fields or rearrange them.

Using the post relationship form

There are two ways to use front-end forms for connecting posts:

  • Connect any two items in a relationship.
  • Connect between one specific item and another item that the user must select.

Steps to use the post relationship form:

  1. Edit the page, a View, or a template where you want to use the form.
  2. Insert the Toolset Form block and select the relationship form you just created.
  3. In the right sidebar, select how you would like to use the relationship form.
Selecting how the relationship form will allow to connect posts

Main Toolset Block Used in this Lesson

Formularios para el envío de contenido y edición en la interfaz de usuario