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Registering Users from the Front-end on Real Estate Sites

Want agents, buyers and sellers to be able to register to your real estate site via front-end forms? This chapter is for you!

Creating Forms for Registering Users

Learn how to create the forms for registering new agents, buyers and sellers.

Creating a «My Account» Page

Use Toolset's integration with WooCommerce to create account pages for your agents, buyers and sellers.

Allow users to manage their items

Create the complete interface that allows each user to add, edit and delete their properties.

Creating Custom Login Forms

Don't care much for the default WordPress login forms? No problem, you can create custom forms with your own design to allow agents, buyers and sellers to login.

Creating the “Lost password” page

And, you can customize the "forgot password" page, to give your entire site a consistent look.

Using forms to create an «Edit your profile» page

Finally, learn how to allow agents, buyers and sellers to edit their own profiles.

How to Create Custom Searches and Relationships for Users

To be able to create custom searches and relationships for users registered on your site, you need to connect them to custom posts.