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Validation error if image field is blank when not using WP Media Uploader



If you include an image field in a Form (featured image, or a custom image field) that is not using the WP Media Uploader, when submitting the form if the image field is blank a validation error appears:

“You can only upload an image file”.


A pre-release version of Forms 2.6.9 containing the fix is available here.

This is still undergoing final testing this week, and all being well will be the version released next Monday.

Note that if there are any changes in the meantime you will need to manually replace this version with the final version available from your account downloads page when it becomes available.

8 thought on Validation error if image field is blank when not using WP Media Uploader

  • Is there an ETA on this fix? We had to roll back to a January 2021 release for the image upload to work. Is there any other workaround with current Forms version?

    • The fix will be included in a hotfix for Forms, version 2.6.9.

      We are hoping to release a batch of hotfixes next week all being well.

    • It will be available as a normal plugin update, from the plugins page on your site or from the downloads page at

      I’ll update here when it is out.

    • See the updated workaround for a pre-release version of Forms containing the fix for this issue.

      • Thanks @nigel, I installed and tested the patched version and it seems to have solved the issue, as well as not introduced any other issue from what I was able to see.

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