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Update button greyed-out and cannot save page or template


Resolved in: Blocks 1.6.17

Topic Tags: Toolset Blocks


Sometimes while working in the back-end editor on pages or templates that include a View block, the Update button is greyed out, inactive, and it is not possible to update or save the page.


This should be fixed in the latest Blocks and Views versions.

3 thought on Update button greyed-out and cannot save page or template

  • Yes, this is quite serious. I need the Toolset Blocks plugin urgently, and even your suggested workaround to toggle between screen sizes does not solve the problem in my installation. Do you know another one? When can I expect the plugin update? Best regard Robert

    • Robert, if you are still experiencing the problem after updating to the latest version of Toolset Blocks (1.6.18) could you please open a support thread, as this issue should now be resolved.

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