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Events Calendar update breaks Toolset post and user forms



Version of The Events Calendar plugin broke Toolset Forms.

When that version (or later) of The Events Calendar plugin is active, then post forms which submit posts fail to create the posts (the form reloads with a validation error because of a missing title), while with post edit forms they appear to submit correctly, but any changes to the content are not saved.

The issue doesn’t occur in versions up to 5.5.0 of The Events Calendar.


10 thought on Events Calendar update breaks Toolset post and user forms

  • Can you confirm whether this only applies to the base version of The Events Calendar, or does the Pro version need to stay at that version number too?

    • In the form settings. Edit your form at Toolset > Post Forms, and you should see the option “Submit this form without reloading the page (use AJAX)”.

  • I set the forms to submit via ajax and the form validation problem disappeared.
    For when is the next “Forms” release scheduled?

    • The development work is complete, we are just waiting on the testing phase to finish before we can release the updates. I can’t say exactly how long that will take, but it shouldn’t be too much longer.

      • Thanks a lot!
        Your support team is the best, by the way.
        Quick, and friendly, and always very helpful.
        (From a very satisfied customer.)

  • Please note we have published plugin updates today that include a fix for this issue.

    If the updates do not show up on your plugin installer page (click the registered link beneath the plugin name to go to the custom installer page) click the the Check for Updates button to update the list.

    Or you can download the latest versions from your accounts page:

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