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CRED + Types 2.2.17-18: showstopper when using cred forms with recaptcha


Reported for: Toolset Forms

Resolved in: Toolset CRED 1.9.3

Topic Tags: Toolset Forms


With CRED 1.9.2/ and Types 2.2.17/2.2.18 installed, CRED Forms do not display the reCaptcha on the front-end, hence when an user submits the form, this error is produced:

Missing Captcha


This issue will be fixed in the next release of Toolset CRED.

Currently you can use the ReCaptcha only by adding the following into your theme functions.php:

add_action('wp_head', 'cred_192_recaptcha_patch');
function cred_192_recaptcha_patch() {
        var onLoadRecaptcha = function () {
            //Init of all recaptcha
            jQuery.each(jQuery('.g-recaptcha'), function (i, recaptcha_selector) {
                var $current_form = jQuery(recaptcha_selector).closest('form');
                if (typeof grecaptcha !== 'undefined') {
                    var _sitekey = jQuery($current_form).find('div.g-recaptcha').data('sitekey');
                    this.recaptchaId = (typeof _sitekey !== 'undefined') ? grecaptcha.render(jQuery('.g-recaptcha')[0], {sitekey: _sitekey}) : -1;

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