Makes static texts available for translation with WPML. Forms should be sent for translation via Translation Management.

Any texts wrapped in the cred_i18n shortcode will be made available in the translation editor for translation. When the form is rendered the text will be output in the current language, if a translation is available.

Note that the cred_i18n shortcode is a self-closing shortcode. The text you want to translate should be inside the shortcode. The shortcode takes a single attribute, which is used to identify the text in the translation editor.

This variable hook defines a fixed list of options to offer when editing a post and setting a connection to other existing posts over a Types relationship. It replaces the default search selector used for this purpose with a selector only including a list of the fixed options.

Defines a fixed list of options to offer when editing a post and setting a connection to other existing posts over a Types relationship. The filter then replaces the default search selector used for this purpose with a selector that only includes the fixed list of options.

Displays a link to delete a post

This shortcode deletes the relationship between two posts.

Returns the ID of the content template assigned to a given post, or zero if there is no template assigned.

This hook can be used to disable columns in the Related Content metabox which might produce expensive database queries on very large sites.

Add a filter that simply returns true and the Related Content metabox will no longer show columns with:

  • post reference fields
  • parent posts in different one-to-many relationships than what the metabox is currently displaying

Filter an array of post statuses that can be used in Toolset API functions. At the moment, this involves only the functions for retrieving the related posts.

Use this filter to modify the retrieved list of terms that will be offered in the front-end filter.

Use this filter to modify the arguments used for getting the terms that will be offered in the front-end filter.