The Harvard Club of New York City

Toolset Contractor


The Harvard Club of NYC is one of the most premier social and athletic clubs in New York City affiliated with the Harvard University.We ( developed their brand new website with a custom theme and an array of tools for the private (membership) side of the website. The theme utilizes modern design and intricate content publishing/delivery workflows, requiring custom content fields, feed-based (queried) content for news articles, training articles, photo galleries, old publications and magazines, promotional and seasonal content on given pages based on custom logic as well as tags and categories.

We ( developed an array of custom features that include Events Calendar and event ticket registration by members, room (hotel) bookings, athletics court bookings for Squash and Tennis, Dining table reservations in multiple restaurants, getting appointments for personal training and massage.

We ( integrated with 3rd party APIs and software for allowing communication with their club management software, exposing membership management tools on the website such as member statements, monthly dues, online payments, payment history, activity tracking and syncing data between the WordPress website and their membership databases.

Other 3rd party APIs and service integrations include areas such as dining floor management and reservations, athletics membership management and reservations and syncing member lists with Constant Contact.

We helped double website visits for the client in a few short months as well as improved membership participation and bookings for the club with the new user-centric design. We are now on our way to developing mobile apps, bringing some of the same features to an app for the membership.

The site utilizes Toolset Types and Access plugins for driving the complex content and data-driven custom functionality of the site as well as role/capability-based access control.
