Party Digest

Toolset Contractor

Chuck Gregory

This site was abandoned by the original developer before it ever went live. It uses a custom theme based on Twenty Eleven, which required extensive work before it actually worked. The original party digest site was based on very complicated cms, and this WordPress design was the replacement. I have worked with the site owner for 11 years on various sites so he asked me to finish the site.

One of the first things I did was fix the taxonomies. One of the most important taxonomies used on this site is 'cities' since it's designed to show events, parties, and trending items from one of a dozen or so cities. By creating this taxonomy with types, I eliminated a huge amount of messy code.

Newsletters are sent regularly from Party Digest. I created a number of different custom post types simply for the purpose of generating ready-to-send newsletters, which were imported into Mad Mimi or another newsletter provider. I added a number of post fields to facilitate these. The newsletters are now sent using Tribulant's newsletter plugin so the custom types are no longer used for new content.

There's also a Newsletter post type that is used for archiving newsletters that have gone out.

Toolset plugin used: Types
