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Wrong expiration date saved for posts if WordPress Timezone is UTC negative


Reported for: Toolset Forms 1.9.5

Resolved in: 2.5.1

Topic Tags: Toolset Forms


Toolset Forms allows setting an expiration date for Posts created by Forms.

Usually, that expiration date is a set amount of days after a certain event such as when the post is published.

This works fine, and the expiration date is set properly in the post’s meta when created using Toolset Forms.

However, when you edit such a Post’s expiration date in the backend and have any negative TimeZone, (i.e. UTC-1), set as WordPress General Timezone Setting, then the saved date for new post-expiration will not correspond to what you selected in the Datepicker, but the date you selected minus one day.


There is no solution for this right now.

4 thought on Wrong expiration date saved for posts if WordPress Timezone is UTC negative

    • The fix version slated is Toolset Forms 2.5.1
      I have no ETA for that release yet, but I asked if we could patch it in this erratum since the adjustments should be minimal.
      I will update you as soon I have news about

      • This is scheduled to be released soon (within 2 weeks, approximately). The erratum will not receive a patch meanwhile, but I’ll update it once the problem is solved by the release.

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