Reported for: Toolset Views
When you compare data of Types Fields in a Views Conditional and call fields that are not from the current post (parent page, parent post, parent media, parent post type), the comparison falls back to the current post’s fields data.
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-checkbox).id(page) eq '1' )"]Yes, it's 1[/wpv-conditional]
This conditional will not “listen” to the parent page field but to the current page field.
This can be resolved by not using Types Fields as a source but Views Shortcodes instead.
The following example does exactly the same as in the issue’s example above:
[wpv-conditional if="( '[types field='checkbox' output='raw' item='$parent'][/types}}' eq '1' )"]Yes, it's 1[/wpv-conditional]
Note, this is valid for all kinds of related data (whether WordPress or Toolset relationships).