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WordPress pagination pseudotags are not working in Layouts or Content Templates

Won't fix

Reported for: Toolset Layouts 2.5.2


There is an issue where WordPress pagination pseudotags are not working inside Toolset layouts or Content Templates.

This happens in the following case:

  • You have a template layout with a Post Content cell added to the layout (or a Content Template applied to a post).
  • The layout is assigned to some post type.
  • You have a post (belonging to the assigned post type) and it features multiple sections with next page pseudo-tags like the following:
first section

second section

third section

The problem is that the whole content will appear instead of dividing the content into pages.


We are aware of this limitation, and a major development effort would be required to add support for those pseudo tags.

Toolset development roadmap is, among other things, adjusted based on user votes. Because of this, we suggest adding your voice by submitting a feature request if you require this feature to work in Layouts and Content Templates.


2 thought on WordPress pagination pseudotags are not working in Layouts or Content Templates

  • Hello, I am considering upgrading to toolset and I am really keen to paginate part of my content which is likey to be in custom post types. I would appreciate if you let me know if this issue is going to rectified any time soon. Thanks

    • This issue has no specific release date, however, you will likely not use Toolset Layouts, instead you will use Gutenberg and maybe Content Templates unless there are very specific reasons to use Layouts for you, generally, it’s not required.
      Also note pagination is eventually better done with a View, not with the WP Mechanism. If you mean to paginate posts, in a slider or list, I refer to that

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