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Views AJAX pagination fails when form and results are rendered separatedly


Reported for: Toolset Views 2.1

Resolved in: Toolset Views 2.2


In Toolset Views 2.1, a View AJAX pagination may fail to load pages. This can happen when the View contains a parametric search and the search form and results are displayed using different Views shortcodes.


This issue will be fixed in the next release of Toolset Views. On the meantime, you can use this patch by simply uploading the file it contains to replace the one with the same name, located in /embedded/inc/wpv-filter-query.php.

Note that this patch will only work over Toolset Views 2.1, please do not use it on any other Toolset Views version.

5 thought on Views AJAX pagination fails when form and results are rendered separatedly

    • Hi Corine

      It seems that your problem is not related to this errata or the patch we provided here. I checked your site and all our AJAX requests are returning a 500 internal server error. I also noticed that you seem to have WordPress installed on a subdirectory.

      Could you please open a support ticket providing as much information as you can about your custom installation so we can replicate the problem and try to fix it? Thanks a lot.


  • Thank you! This worked perfectly! I was going crazy before. Could there be a better way of informing customers about these bugs so that we don’t have to search all over before finding a solution?

    • We distribute these erratas to Toolset support team, so they can suggest them when it’s relevant. I’m not sure what would be a good way to announce erratas to clients. Most of these erratas are about very specific things, that happen in specific cases. Not everyone runs into them, so sending emails to all Toolset clients about every errata seems like too much communication to me. Maybe we should try to create a better search, just for ‘erratas’ or highlight erratas when people search the forum.

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