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View content is not being rendered properly in Beaver Builder editor


Reported for: Toolset Views 2.2.1

Resolved in: Toolset Views 2.3


When you edit a page in Beaver Builder and add a view in this page, the content of this view is not being rendered.


This issue will be fixed in the next release of Toolset Views.

In the meantime, download this file, extract it and replace dialog.php in /wp-views/embedded/toolset/toolset-common/user-editors/resource/views/dialog/ folder.

Note: If you have other Toolset plugins activated, you have to replace the same file in these plugins folders as well:

  • If Toolset Types is activated, replace dialog.php in /types/library/toolset/toolset-common/user-editors/resource/views/dialog/ folder.
  • If Toolset CRED is activated, replace dialog.php in /wp-views/embedded/toolset/toolset-common/user-editors/resource/views/dialog/ folder.
  • If Toolset Layouts is activated, replace dialog.php in /layouts/toolset/toolset-common/user-editors/resource/views/dialog/ folder.
  • If Toolset Access is activated, replace dialog.php in /types-access/toolset/toolset-common/user-editors/resource/views/dialog/ folder.

Please remember to keep a backup before doing this.

3 thought on View content is not being rendered properly in Beaver Builder editor

  • The problem is worse with Views 2.2.2 , Beaver Builder 1.9.2 and WordPress 4.7.1. If Views plugin is activated then all Beaver Builder Page Builder content/styling is lost when you “publish” the page with Beaver Builder. Needs fixing ASAP as I can no longer use Views on my site. Luckily I am still in development.

    I have been using Views successfully with Beaver Builder so I am not clear what has changed. However the problem is definitely with Views as I had to deactivate all plugins and then re-activate them one by one to find what was conflicting with BB Page Builder

    • I’m checking with Juan, the lead developer of Views. I realize that this is very inconvenient (to say the least). I’ll make sure that an update is pushed to resolve this new compatibility problem ASAP.

    • Hi Ben

      Sorry for the delay, let me step in and see if I can help you with this.

      I will need some extra information, as we have had no other report about somethign like that, ad I have been using the beaver Builder integration daily on my development sites. To do so, we should move this to a support ticket so we can follow up, since I suspct the issue is not related to the one solved in this errata.

      Would you mind to open that ticket? If you tag is as a “request” instead of a “bug” it will land directly in my inbox.

      To properly debug this, I might need to ask you for a copy of the site. We usually ask for an export creatd using the Duplicator plugin, since this provides us with a verbatim copy of the site.

      Looking forward to helping you.

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