Reported for: Toolset Types 3.2
When you have some Checkboxes custom fields created with Types and install or activate Oxygen plugin, a fatal error will be thrown all over the site:
( ! ) Fatal error: Call to undefined function wpcf_translate() in .../types/application/controllers/shortcode_generator.php on line 700
This is resolved with an Update to the Oxygen Plugin.
If we replace checkboxes with Radio buttons will it effect the existing data (most of my custom fields can be made Radio
Yes it will. Checkboxes are a different kind of fields, where you can have many options, while radio has only one. Do not change the type of field, wait for a solution shared here instead or follow the workarounds.
I do not have a checkbox field in any Custom field but types still crashes
The issue happens with CheckboxES (not checkbox) field.