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The shortcode to display a form to edit users is not working


Reported for: Toolset Forms 1.7

Resolved in: Toolset CRED 1.7.1

Topic Tags: Toolset Forms


The cred_user_form shortcode stopped working unless an user attribute pointing to an existing user ID is provided. Before Toolset CRED 1.7, when used in an editing form, this shortcode edited the current logged in user, by default.

Additionally, the cred_link_user_form shortcode was improved in CRED 1.7, but again it required a mandatory user attribute. For consistency, when no user ID is set, it should display an edit link for the given form against the current logged in user, by default.


This bug will be solved in the next CRED release. In the meantime, this patch can be applied by replacing the file /embedded/classes/CRED_Helper.php with the one contained in the ZIP. Please note that this patch was crafted specifically for CRED 1.7 and should not be used with any other version of the plugin.

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