In the WordPress back end wherever there are lists where items can be selected with checkboxes, e.g. lists of posts, lists of page, lists of plugins, there is a select-all checkbox available at the top and bottom of the list.
In WordPress 6.5 this broke if Forms is active.
The issue has been fixed by developers and will be included with the next plugin updates (when all plugins should be updated, as it involves code shared in common across Toolset plugins).
Hello, ist there a timeframe for this to be fixed?
I checked with the developers, who have it on their plate, but say that a seemingly minor change in WordPress 6.5 had quite far-reaching effects throughout the Toolset plugins, such that this “minor” issue actually requires quite a lot of work to resolve.
But they are working on it.
Looking forward to this fix–I have hundreds of woocommerce products and I miss the select all -> bulk edit.
Any updates on this?
I spoke to the developers who have some high priority tasks to complete but say they should be able to return to this soon.
Thanks for your patience.
hello Nigel,
I raised this issue 5 months ago in a support ticket, it has not yet been resolved. ‘Select all’ ist quite important to us for bulk editing. Do you know any plans, when this bug will be fixed?
Kind regards and many thanks for your support
You could add the following to your theme’s function.php file or however you’d like to inject this script for admin screens (code snippets, your own plugin code, etc.):
add_action( 'admin_footer', function() {
(function($) {
$(function() {
$('#cb-select-all-1, #cb-select-all-2').click(function() {
$('th.check-column input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', $(this).prop('checked'));
This essentially restores functionality that for whatever reason is broken by Toolset’s Forms plugin.
I ran into this issue too, if it’s any help the problem comes from the “wplink” library being included in toolset.assets.manager.class.php:
$this->assets_url . '/visual-editor/res/js/icl_editor_addon_plugin.js',
array( 'jquery', 'quicktags', 'wplink', self::SCRIPT_CODEMIRROR ),
When commented out, it works again, perhaps you can see if it needs to be loaded and remove it if unnecessary on the affected pages.
In the meantime, Stephen’s suggestion above does the trick.
Will it ever be solved? It’s not a big problem, but it’s quite annoying.
I’m pleased (relieved) to say that the issue has been fixed by developers and is pending release. The next batch of plugin updates will include the fix.
Realistically that is likely to take place after the Christmas holiday season.
Hi Nigel, any news on this? Thanks
Sorry for the delay. It was decided to bundle together several updates at the same time, which includes a major upgrade for Toolset Maps, and we are just waiting on final testing of that before pulling the trigger on releasing updates for all plugins, which will include the fix for this annoying problem.
I still don’t see a new version released for Forms.
For anyone still facing this issue based on Stephens code which did nor work for me GPT came up with.
add_action( ‘admin_footer’, function() {
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
$(‘#cb-select-all-1, #cb-select-all-2’).on(‘click’, function() {
var isChecked = $(this).prop(‘checked’);
$(‘tbody th.check-column input[type=”checkbox”]’).prop(‘checked’, isChecked);