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Pagination controls throw an error in automatic AJAX transition


Reported for: Toolset Views 2.2.1

Resolved in: Toolset Views 2.2.2


When pagination with automatic AJAX transition is enabled and you try to navigate through pages using pagination controls, pagination breaks and a console error is being thrown:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'max_pages' of undefined


This problem will be fixed in the next version of Toolset Views.

In the meantime, you can download this file, extract it and replace the file in /embedded/res/js/ folder of your Toolset Views plugin.

2 thought on Pagination controls throw an error in automatic AJAX transition

  • I am upgraded to latest version and the issue persists. I applied the hotfix with no change to the issue.

    • Please, clear your cache and check again. If the issue persists, please open a new ticket in our support forum.

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