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Map markers lost after applying search filters on custom archive


Topic Tags: Toolset Maps


A map block is added to a custom archive and the markers are sourced from the archive results. The archive includes search filters.

Everything displays correctly on the initial page load, and also displays correctly after applying some search filters, if the results update via page refresh.

If the results update via ajax, all of the markers are lost and the map centres on 0,0.


The fix will be included in Toolset Maps 2.1.5.

A pre-release version including the fix can be downloaded from here.

8 thought on Map markers lost after applying search filters on custom archive

    • We are just gathering together updates for several plugins and plan to release them—including the fix for this issue—next Monday.

    • Unfortunately there were some last minute problems with the Maps update which means it missed the deadline for this week’s releases. Maps will go out at a later date.

      But in the meantime I have updated the description above to include a link to a patched version of Maps which includes a fix for this problem, if you could please try that.

  • Also this vesion isnot working at all using ajax.
    Both option dont work
    AJAX refresh when clicking submit
    AJAX refresh when changing any filter

    • OK, sorry about that.

      In which case, can you please open a support forum ticket to report the problem, as we will need a copy of your site to be able to investigate why it doesn’t work in your case.

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